Visiting Pop Art No. 2: The Moving Mural Project, Outdoor Installation #2(Raleigh, NC), Video, 4’06’’, 2019
As a second series of visiting pop art, the present mural’s goal is to pull down two representative boundaries of mural painting: site-specific and permanently installed art. It is a record of the actual moving mural installation in Raleigh, NC with an intention to be a nomadic and temporary mural. The project provides the audience with daily enjoyment temporarily without affecting the original wall and landscaping. The hole on the canvas makes it harmonize with the original wall and blowing wind. Also, the original wall becomes a part of the moving mural artwork. Through this work, art is not far from our daily lives and the joyful moment will blur the boundary between art and life.
Visiting Pop Art No. 2: The Moving Mural Project, 2019
This work is a moving mural project in a series of visiting pop art. The project starts with the following questions: How can I communicate with the public more easily? How can I exhibit even in strange places? How can I get my artworks out of my room/house/place? Who would hire me as a mural painter although I am not a famous artist without any affiliation? There is one way: making a moving mural.
The Goal of Moving Mural Project
The purpose of the present project is to pull down two representative boundaries of mural painting: site-specific art and permanently installed art (work that is permanently attached to a particular location). My mural is intended to be nomadic and temporary to expand the spectrum of mural.
How to Achieve the Purpose?
The project can provide the public with daily enjoyment temporarily without affecting the original wall and landscaping. The hole on the canvas is designed to work better with the original wall and the blowing wind. Also, the original wall is planned to be part of the moving mural artwork. Through this work, I hope art is always around our daily lives and this momentary joy will blur the boundaries between art and life.
Visiting Pop Art No. 2: The Moving Mural Project, Indoor Installation, Video, 3’38’’, 2019
To explain the motive for the current project, this video composed of 3 chapters overlaps the scene of an interview in English with the installation of moving mural at home. The installation scene is inserted to explain the boundary between discomfort and comfort given to me. Moving to an unfamiliar city limits exhibition opportunities. The discomfort surrounding me draws the boundary. After all, this uncomfortable situation forces me to limit the area of my activity to my home, a comfortable and stable place. This video records my efforts to break the boundary surrounding me by accepting the situation, rather than abandoning my ego. The irony fact that same person sets(move-in) and breaks(acceptance) the boundary gives audiences a new perspective on their borders. Creating and breaking boundaries can result from their own decisions. To break the boundary, I will encourage the moving mural to communicate with the landscape through holes on the canvas, like I am doing to break my one.
Visiting Pop Art No. 2: The Moving Mural Project, Outdoor Installation #1(Raleigh, NC), Video, 2’50’’, 2019
This intention of the present video is to demonstrate that the outdoor installation of moving mural which sounds complicated is actually simple through two overlapped parts: the scene of an interview in Korean, the outdoor installation of moving mural.
The scene of outdoor installation explains how easily moving mural can be installed on a landscape and what are functional and aesthetic values of holes on a canvas. While living among Koreans in Korea, my identity as a Korean has never been concerned thoroughly. Although a strange space makes me unease, the discomfort provides me a chance to establish my clear identity. The interview composed of 3 chapters (motivation, goal, and accomplishment) reveals how the discomfort circumstance clarifies the theme of my artworks which is breaking boundaries.
Visiting Pop Art No. 2: The Moving Mural Project, Assembly Process, Video, 1’27’’, 2019
The main purpose of this artwork is to show how the moving mural is constructed from basic shapes. The subject matter of the moving mural is altered everyday objects: branches, trees, sunlight and leaves, all we encounter in daily lives. By highlighting each element, the video proves the fact that objects from nature around us are made up of basic shapes: circles, lines, squares, and triangles. The evidence presents a unique viewpoint to appreciate nature. Holes on the canvas harmonize the existing environment and moving mural, and in turn, break the boundary between moving mural and origin landscape. Also, the function of holes to reduce wind resistance is designed to make the moving mural easier to hang anywhere.
Visiting Pop Art No. 2: The Moving Mural Project, Credit Cookie, Video, 0’53’’, 2019
Visiting Pop Art No. 2: The Moving Mural Project, Draft Design, 2019