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The Strange, Video, 1’42’’, 2018

     It was mixed three places and others from my experiences. First place was Suncheon(City in South Korea) and second place Seoul and third place Raleigh.

     First, in Suncheon, this day was very strange. I took a bus that I did not know. I went to a strange village and I saw something strange. This is tied onion nets for fear of birds picking seeds. I felt as if I had come to the shaman’s house. It was very strange and scary. I entered into the tunnel. It was too dark and the entrance was too bright. At this time, the sky was neither day nor night.

     Second, in Seoul, I didn’t like dance. But this day, I felt that I should record something similar to dance.

     Third, in Raleigh, he always told me he was a good basketball player. But strangely, his skill was not good at all. Additional, I made background music recorded by tapping using by my finger on my table. Thus, this video made of the strange things from my experiences.


     Thus, this video made of the strange things from my experiences.

Inside Sight, Video, 1’47’’, 2017

     There are questions that often appear in my artworks, the fundamental questions remaining unresolved. While I continue to move forward, many different ideas and worries emerge, unstable life, ambiguous aims, definitions of the artist and art. The video clip represents my current status, which I always consider a gap between reality and ideal. Finally, I see myself again and the video ends soon after holding unsolved my concerns.

The Message of The Bridge of Life (Mapodaegyo/Mapo Bridge), Video, 2’21’’, 2017

The bridge crosses the Han River of South Korea and is well known because the suicide rate was very high for a long time on the bridge (also, the suicide rate in South Korea is the highest in the OECD). The so-called suicide bridge (Mapodaegyo) has been changed the name into the bridge of life and several elements have been tried to the bridge to reduce the suicide rate including encouraging text and light. The artist shows the text visually and gives the viewers the message of the bridge of life. 


Life! - Life is - not mine - it is with the sunlight - the flowers of the earth - and everything breaths - just being alive - you have many things - even if you are alone - not being lonely - this is your life - don’t worry - there is a power - when you clench your fist - there is love - when you open your hand - the world is in your hands - it is not - come here - everything is fine - there is something to say - when those words come out into the world - the melody of life begins.


생명! 생명은 내 것이 아니다. 태양의 빛과 대지의 꽃, 숨 쉬는 모든 것과 함께 있다. 

살아있는 것만으로도 가진 것이 많고 혼자라도 외롭지 않는 것이 내가 지닌 생명이다.


주먹을 쥐면 힘이!

손을 펴면 사랑이!

세상은 내 손안에 있다. 

그렇지 않아요


다 괜찮아요

해야 할 말들이 아직 많이 있습니다.

그 말들이 세상에 나올 때 비로소 삶의 멜로디가 시작됩니다.

Whine, Video, 3’58’’, 2017

I borrow the language of the whine from nature which is instinctive, inherent, unstudied, and wild.

Ice-dog, Video, 1’12’’, 2013

     On the snowy day, I made an Ice-dog.

Hot-dog is 'Hot' dog, so I made cold 'Ice' dog with cold snows.

I picked wooden chopsticks and put ketchup on them. And I ate.

It was the First 'Ice-dog' in my life.

Father's Ice-cream, Video, 0’51’’, 2012

     My dad loves Ice-cream.

He eat lots of ice-cream instead of meal, so he often get scolded by my mom and sometimes eat secretly. This work is about my dad who loves ice-cream. When my father was young, he always wanted to eat ice cream because it was precious. And until now, he is an adult, he still wants to eat ice-cream. In retrospect, he can turn all meals into ice-cream.

Kyung-In-Yang-Nan, Video, 0’19’’, 2010

  Kyungin-Year (Korean style year notation), 2010

  In Korea, Nan meaning was an Orchid and a Rebellion.

     This purpose was an expression for hardware and software. I think hardware was me which was my root from the Eastern culture. And I showed an orchid that would be a good mediator. Because the orchid existed two type that was Eastern orchid and Western orchid. Two type shapes were different. I selected my hair and Eastern orchid shape. My hair meaning was a person who is a western painting major me. Additional, to me, Western culture would be software.

And Eastern orchid meaning was my root that my country and culture. Additional, to me, it would be hardware.


Thus, I combined each other, and express using by video.

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